Atlus has revealed some more information regarding Vanillaware’s upcoming title Unicorn Overlord. We get information that there are going to be over 60 classes in the game. Also, we learn about leader skills and movement types and what that is supposed to mean in the game. This is going to be a very tactical game and a ton of mechanics in playing the game according to this information. Let’s go over the revealed information!
But dont worry Alain Well meet again soon enough
A witch loyal to the Zenoiran Army. Formerly the court sorceress of Cornia, she now serves Galerius
and appears to be assisting him with some sort of dark scheme.
Youll serve as the main course in a banquet of flesh and blood
A wizened wizard who serves Galerius. Versed in all manner of dark spells and curses. His face
remains obscured behind his hood, and none have seen the visage beneath.
I will aid you however Im able
Rosalinde’s twin sister and the Turenós of Elheim. Unable to resist Zenoira’s onslaught, she
surrendered and chose to lead from within captivity.
Dont give up hope just yet Steel your resolve and strike true
A swordsman and knight in service of Elheim. He was away on a mission when the capital fell to
Zenoira. He has led a guerilla force ever since.
You are not to drop your guards at any moment
A dark elf augur who resides in Elheim. Aide to her elder sister Eltolinde. She escaped the fall of the
capital and is gathering forces for a counterattack.
There are over 60 classes in Unicorn Overlord and even though we don’t have the full list yet, we still have some new information on some of them.
Boasts excellent Physickal Attack. Can lower enemy Physickal Defense. Can strike foes with a
follow-up attack at the end of a battle.
Boasts physickal attack skills to hit an entire enemy row. Capable of self healing.
Proficient both at attacking with a flurry of crossbow bolts and providing support from the back row.
Specialized in supporting allies with healing magick through a variety of recovery skills
Wyvern Knight
An aerial unit capable of inflicting heavy damage on enemy infantry and cavalry. Vulnerable against
ranged and caster attacks.
Specialized in skills which weaken their foes by obstructing their actions and reducing their abilities.
Elven Fencer
Uses magick melee attacks to strike at their enemies with superlative finesse. Capable of creating
barriers to protect allies from attacks.
Excels at finishing off weakened enemies. Also possesses a special skill that improves their
performance at night.
An archer capable of debuffing foes and supporting allies. Possesses a high evasion rate, but
susceptible to arrow fire.
There is going to be a lot of strategy in this tactical RPG, so understanding how each unit moves is integral to victory. There are going to be three types of movement. Flying, Infantry, and Calvary. Each unit will have strengths and weaknesses depending on the movement type. Calvary units for example get a boost to movement on roads, but get less movement in forested areas. Placing your units in ideal locations is important to their strategic importance.
Some classes require a unit to be promoted to reach that class. An easy example that is supplied in the information we got from Atlus is a Lord being promoted to a High Lord. Alain is a character that is unique to the Lord class and he can be promoted by spending honors.
There is also class compatibility. Archers deal more damage against flying enemies. It is important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each unit to find out the best party for a given map.
Unicorn Overlord will be released on March 8th, 2024 on Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series S|X, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.