As I’ve talked about on the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast before, there are many “What If?” scenarios in gaming history that could’ve changed everything if they happened as intended. We might be on the cusp of some of those scenarios right now if we’re being honest. However, the one I want to focus on is the partnership that Nintendo and Sony had at one point before some “business choices” led to it falling apart and Sony creating its own console. The result that we almost had was the Nintendo PlayStation, and it’s something that still exists today despite it never going to market.
The reason is that Ken Kutaragi, the man who made the Nintendo PlayStation and then the PlayStation itself showed it off recently, and the pictures were put on Imgur.
What’s curious about this is the fact that the console we see in the images was apparently a much earlier prototype than others that have “hit the market.” As in, been sold online for $300,000!!!
Both sides were able to move on past the failed partnership, but again…you have to wonder what would’ve happened if they had gone through with it…