Gaming News E3 2015: 20th Anniversary themed DualShock 4 and Gold Wiressless headset to be released this SeptemberBy Keith MitchellJune 16, 2015
Gaming News E3 2015: Guerrilla Games shows off Horizon Zero Dawn for the PS4By Keith MitchellJune 16, 2015
Gaming News E3 2015: Sony shows off new footage The Last Guardian… at long last.By Keith MitchellJune 15, 2015
Gaming News Ultra Street Fighter 4 for PS4 gets it’s first update to correct the launch issuesBy Keith MitchellJune 3, 2015
Gaming News PS4 version of Ultra Street Fighter IV will support PS3 fightsticks, 60fps and moreBy Keith MitchellMay 23, 2015