At an event to celebrate Attack on Titan Part I: Crimson Bow and Arrow, the first of two animated movies which will recap the television anime series, it was announced that Attack on Titan will receive a second season, but not until 2016.
While this does seem like a long time away, one must keep in mind that Hajime Isayama’s Attack on Titan manga releases one chapter every month. When the first season finished airing, they had just finished the female titan arc, something the manga recently finished at the time before moving onto the next story. In order to produce another season, which will presumably be 26 episodes, they needed considerable time for the manga to get ahead so that there could be enough story material to fill a season.
It is likely that this will be the second of three seasons seeing how Isayama mentioned that there are only about thirty chapters left in his manga series. While this number seems relatively small, we, again, have to keep in mind that with a monthly release, Attack on Titan will be around for at least two more years, ending sometime in 2017.
The first animated film is airing now in Japan while the second animated film (Attack on Titan Part II: Wings of Freedom) is slated to open on June 27, 2015. Both of the films’ subtitles are named after the two opening themes from the tv anime series composed by REVO of Linked Horizon. There are also the two live action Attack on Titan movies which are both slated for release in summer of 2015.