Capcom recently hosted its Monster Hunter Wilds showcase, and after watching it, it definitely feels like Capcom really wanted to release all of this with the game but ran out of time. Regardless, we’re finally getting them, and I can’t wait.
Starting on April 4th, 2025, the first title update for Monster Hunter Wilds will be released and will introduce the first additional monster, Mizutsune. We got to see this beast in action and it feels like it’s going to be quite the pain in the butt, but I’m looking forward to it. While that’s the first new beast, it isn’t the only one.
We got our first Arch-tempered monster appearance with the Arch-tempered Rey Dau, and if you had issues with the tempered monsters, well, good luck and get that lightning gear ready.
Zoh Shia, the monster we faced just once during the story, will be available to fight and can be unlocked via a quest once you reach hunter rank 50. I know players have been asking to fight this monster, and maybe they might regret that decision, but it’s coming.
The Grand Hub (formerly known as the Gathering Hub) makes its return, and here, players will be able to do several things, from the Barrell Bowling minigame to earn useful items and pendants. to eating with other players. Players will be able to unlock the grand hub once they hit Hunter Rank 16 and speak with Tetsuzan in Suja, in the Peaks of Accord. This was something I loved in Monster Hunter World, so I’m glad to see this make its return. However, in addition to this, there will even be a diva who’ll perform during certain nights.
Arena Quests and Challenge Quests are back! While we did have a few quests that allowed us to fight in that location, they were tied to the story mode, but now they’re back! Arena Quests and Challenge Quests can be completed by up to two players using pre-determined equipment.
While these quests do require you to use a specific gear set, Capcom is also introducing the Free Challenge Quests, which will pit you up against increasingly impossible fights and will let players bring in any gear set that they want. They’ll also be able to bring up to 3 other players or AI controller players.
Lots of cosmetic additions are also being introduced, from being able to change your quest handler, Alma’s outfit and glasses, gestures, pop-up camp options, and more.
So in total, here’s everything that’s being added!
Capcom still has plenty to come for Monster Hunter Wilds, and if you’ve been enjoying the game as much as I have, you’re going to enjoy this.
Closing out the showcase, Capcom teased us with the next Monster that will be included in the Monster Hunter Wilds second title update that will arrive this Summer 2025. First, there was the sound of water, followed by a short glimpse of the monster’s lower body and part of its back before it faded to black. Capcom knew what it was doing by teasing this, but I think it gave away the bag too soon because this could be only one monster – Lagiacrus!
So, at least I have hope that since Capcom is bringing in older monsters that B-52… er, Bezelgeuse could be added as well.
That’s a lot to take in, and if you’re a fan of Monster Hunter Wilds, you’ve got to be excited. I know I am.
Here’s the entire showcase in case you missed it.