We were recently given the opportunity and privilege to interview Shunsaku Okuda, producer of one of Japan’s top singers Tommy february6 (also known as Tommy heavenly6). He is also the leader, composer, bass & rhythm guitarist for the Japanese rock/pop band, the brilliant green!
Below you will find our interview with Shunsaku Okuda!
A Japanese version of the interview can be found below the English version. (インタビューの日本語版は英語版の下にあります)
The Outerhaven: Hello, Okuda-san! First off, thank you for taking the time to do this written interview for us at The Outerhaven! We greatly appreciate your time and your consideration! To start, you have played both bass and rhythm guitar for the brilliant green. What made you choose guitar and what do you love most about that instrument?
Okuda: I’ve loved music since I was little, and I wanted to try writing my own songs, so the first instrument I bought for that purpose was a guitar. I really like the guitar because you can play chords and it’s easy to come up with riffs. When I was a teenager, I first listened to RUN DMC – Walk This Way and BeastieBoys – (You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party), and I thought, “Guitars are so cool!
The Outerhaven: Did you find it challenging switching between bass and rhythm guitar or was it something that came naturally?
Okuda: When I arrange songs, I use a variety of instruments, including guitar, bass and synthesizer, so I think the switching comes naturally. When I record by myself, I often record the bass last, and I like the process of deciding on the bass line while thinking about the relationship with the vocals and guitar.
The Outerhaven: You’ve also composed a lot of the brilliant green’s music. What was the creative process like when coming up with new music?
Okuda: When I’m writing a song, I first spend some time in my head imagining the world view, tempo, and instruments to be used. Once I’ve got a good idea, I start composing using a guitar or synthesizer. The most common way for me to write is to play acoustic guitar while playing my favorite rhythm machine and singing. I think the “singing while writing” method is very important for creating dynamic melody lines.
The Outerhaven: Were there any other bands or artists that influenced you in the creation of your music?
Okuda: I’ve been influenced by many bands and artists, but I like the sound textures of the 1960s and 1970s, so I still listen to The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, etc. I like the analog tape recording textures and vintage feel of those bands. There are lots of new discoveries to be made when listening to music or watching videos from the analog era, so it’s a great learning experience for me.
The Outerhaven: You also produce music, did you find it challenging to switch from composing/playing music to producing it?
Okuda: I’ve always liked doing multi-track recording on my own, so I didn’t find producing, which involves thinking about the overall worldview, to be too difficult. I always think that I want to bring out the individuality and color that the artist has as much as possible, rather than focusing on the technical side of things.
The Outerhaven: I see that both you and Tommy february6 have performed/composed quite several songs for various anime titles such as Soul Eater, Bakuman, ReLIFE, and many others. Do you have any anime series that you personally enjoy?
Okuda: I like all the anime series I’ve worked on, but I was especially happy when I got to work on the Gundam Double O series, which I’ve loved since I was a kid. I was able to watch the post-recording session for Gundam Double O at the studio, and it was really moving. I was blown away by the amazing voice actors!
The Outerhaven: I’ve often wondered, how the TV Size version of an anime opening or ending is created. Do you create the full song first and then edit it down to 90 seconds or is the song created twice?
Okuda: In Japan, the TV size version was always 88 or 89 seconds long, so I would create the song keeping the number of seconds in mind, and then think about the tempo and structure. I often create the TV size version first and then expand it into the full-length version. It makes me very happy when the opening or ending video and the TV size song fit perfectly together.
The Outerhaven: Is there anything in the world of music that you haven’t done yet that you would like to do?
Okuda: I’ve never been a DJ, so I’d like to try it. It would be great to have a chance to enjoy myself with everyone at a party or something like that!
The Outerhaven: Here is a fun question! What is something fun that fans may not know about you? Perhaps a hidden talent, or a unique hobby, or something else?”
Okuda: I’ve been building my own studio since last year, so I’ve been spending a lot of time researching on the internet to see how I should do it. Thanks to that, I’ve become an interior design geek. (lol) I’ve also learned a lot about architecture, so I think I could do well in the construction industry. (lol)
The Outerhaven: Your music from about 20 years ago is being listened to by people all over the world. What do you think about that?
Okuda: I’m surprised, but I’m also very happy! It’s a wonderful thing, and I’ve received lots of messages from people all over the world. I’ve been influenced by a lot of foreign culture and music (you know what I mean). I’m really moved that I’m able to connect with people all over the world through the music I make.
The Outerhaven: Lastly, if there is anything you would like to tell your fans, what would that message be?
Okuda: Thank you so much for always supporting me. Thanks to you, I’m still able to continue making music. I have also received a lot of support from various artists and fans. I would be very happy if the music of the brilliant green, Tommy heavenly6, and Tommy february6 became an irreplaceable presence for everyone and if it helped even a little. Thank you for your continued support!
And what’s more, the first albums of Tommy heavenly6 and Tommy february6 are to be released on vinyl this July! Please check them out.
We would like to greatly thank Okuda-san for taking the time to answer our questions and for the wonderful opportunity to interview him!
If you would like to know more about the brilliant green, Tommy february6, as well as pre-order the vinyl albums mentioned in the interview, then please use the links below:
- Tommy february6 Streaming: https://smer.lnk.to/Tommyfebruary6_all
- Vinyl Album Pre-Order: https://tommyfebruary6.lnk.to/Tommyfebruary6_Vinyl
- Tommy heavenly6 Streaming: https://smer.lnk.to/Tommyheavenly6
- Vinyl Album Pre-Order: https://tommyheavenly6.lnk.to/Tommyheavenly6_Vinyl
- the brilliant green Streaming: https://real.lnk.to/thebrilliantgreen
奥田さん、こんにちは!まずは、The Outerhavenのインタビューを受けてくださり、ありがとうございます。お時間を割いていただき、また、ご配慮いただき、大変感謝しております。
1.まず初めに、あなたはthe brilliant greenではベースとリズムギターの両方を担当されていましたが、ギターを選ばれた理由と、その楽器のどんなところが一番好きか教えていただけますか?
私は小さい頃から音楽が好きで自分で曲を作ってみたくなり、作曲の為に初めて買った楽器がギターでした。ギターはコードも鳴らせますし、リフなども考えやすいのでとても気に入っています。私が10代の頃、RUN DMC – Walk This Way と BeastieBoys – (You Gotta)Fight For Your Right(To Party) を初めて聴いた時、「ギターって何てかっこいいんだ!」と思ったんです。
3.また、the brilliant greenやTommy february6やTommy heavenly6の多くの楽曲を作曲されています。曲を制作する際のクリエイティブなプロセスはどのようなものでしたか?
私はたくさんのバンドやアーティストから影響を受けていますが、1960年代、 1970年代の音の質感が好きなので、ありきたりですがThe Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelinなど今でもよく聴きます。それらのアナログテープに録音された質感や、ビンテージ感が好きです。
6.あなたは、ソウルイーター、パラダイスキス、銀魂、ReLIFE、など、さまざまなアニメ作品で楽曲の演奏や作曲を担当されていますね。 個人的に好きなアニメシリーズはありますか?
7.よく思うのですが、アニメのオープニングやエンディングのテレビサイズ版はどのようにして作られるのでしょうか。 まずフルサイズの曲を作り、それを90秒に編集するのでしょうか、それとも曲を2回作るのでしょうか?
私は昨年から自分の新しいスタジオを作っているので、どのようにしようかインターネットで調べる事が日課になっています。そのおかげでインテリアのオタクになりました。(笑) 私は建築に関しての知識もかなり覚えられましたので、このまま建築業界でやっていけるのではと思っています。(笑)
いつも応援してくださり本当にありがとうございます。皆様のおかげで今も音楽を作り続ける事が出来ています。自分も今まで様々なアーティスト、ファンの皆様から沢山力をいただきました。the brilliant green、Tommy february6、Tommy heavenly6の音楽が皆様にとってかけがえのない存在になり、少しでも力になっていればこんなに嬉しい事はありません。これからもよろしくおねがいいたします!