While I may not be the longest-standing Doctor Who fan (I came in during the Matt Smith era and played “catch-up” via Netflix and NuWho), I do have a deep passion for the franchise. When it’s on fire, it’s like nothing else out there, and it’s really fun to see where things go next. However, as my more recent reviews have noted (alongside other fans’ notes in the same vein), things have been really inconsistent recently, and that’s sad. Even with “Disney money” infusing it, things have gotten poor in the storytelling department, and certain arcs and specials haven’t landed despite the fun Ncuti Gatwa brings to the role.
However, a new trailer for the upcoming “second season” (we all know it’s not the second season, but they’re calling it that!) might give you hope for what’s coming. A more “classic style” is shown via The Doctor trying to get a new companion home, but it never goes the way they plan. As such, the Doctor and “the Nurse” are tested in various ways, including getting animated! Literally!
You can check out the new trailer below and watch the new season on Disney+ and BBC on April 12th!