In the latest of negative news for the Playstation 4 Pro, Final Fantasy XV is next in line to take a hit when it comes to its latest Pro update 1.05. Originally slated to include major improvements Square Enix blockbuster hit, the newest only hurt the titles locked frame rate. Digital Foundry has discovered that once installing the latest update Final Fantasy XV’s frame rate takes a road for the worse against its previous two options to run the title in lite mode at 1080p 30 fps or boosting that up a bit (no pun intended) to 1800p with a jerky frame rate.
This update promised players the option to run the game at a solid 60 fps in lite mode, but ended up causing more harm than good, unlocking the titles frame rate and causing massive frame rate issues and dips in performance. The high mode still struggles using the checkerboarding at 1080p while trying to maintain a constant 30 fps but failing to do so, leaving PS4 Pro users with no options to run the game smoothly after this latest update.
As if the PS4 Pro needed any more negative news now it seems as though the ideal experience to play Final Fantasy XV can only be had on an original Playstation 4, leaving players who invested into Sony’s newest console in the dark when it comes to performance. Hopefully Square Enix addresses the issue sooner than later.