Makoto Fukami, who is known as the writer behind the Psycho-Pass television anime as well as its subsequent film, launched a new manga last month called Sekai o Yoku Suru Zankoku na Method (Cruel Method to Make the World Better). The manga is being published in Ichijinsha’s Comic Rex magazine. The manga made its debut on December 27 in the magazine where it published the first two chapters for a total of 71 pages.
Sekai o Yoku Suru Zankoku na Method is about a 17-year old boy named Gekitetsu Amou. Amou has issues standing out in school and thus creates a philosophy that “eliminating harmful elements from the world” would help solve that issue. The dark turn to this is that the “eliminating harmful elements” philosophy involves mass murder. While it does interesting, there have been mixed reactions to the launch of the series. Some feel that the story is interesting while others feel that it lacks originality. Some are even comparing it to Death Note without the notebook and are hoping there is more to it than just mass murder. At the time of this writing, there are not many (if any at all) scanlations of the first two chapters.
There is no word on whether or not the license for Sekai o Yoku Suru Zankoku na Method will get picked up here in the West at this time.