Title: Spider-Man/Deadpool Issue #1, #2 and #3
Author(s): Joe Kelly
Publisher(s): Marvel
Language(S): English
Genre: Superhero
Release Date: January 06, February 10 and March 09, 2016
Spider-Man/Deadpool is a match made in heaven, and more than just a fan pairing name! The merc with the mouth tries to turn over a new leaf, and be a real hero however, the amazing wall crawler is not buying it. Would anyone really? What ensues is a menagerie of mischief, a sheer show of shenanigans that will leave readers laughing and questioning their sanity while Deadpool proves to Spidey that he has changed. All of this is made ironic as Deadpool goes on one last mission to kill the most underhanded business man since Tony Stark, Peter Parker.
Final Word:
Just from the name alone the comic promises a great deal of hilarity coupled with superhero antics, and it delivers that and more. The comic thus far provides a few layers to Deadpool, making him
more than just being a comedic anti-hero. His desire to be an actual hero provides character developments and a bit more insight into him. However, that does not stop the insane amount of comedy happening in this series, where Deadpool finds new ways to up the crazy in every issue, which will leave readers wanting more.
If readers think Deadpool pulled off something crazy last issue, then he will achieve greater absurdity next issue. While Spider-Man feels more like a stick in the mud, his attitude juxtaposed to Deadpool’s is still a good partner dynamic, especially when Deadpool brings Spidey along on one of his adventures. It is still possible that Peter will see the earnest side to Deadpool, even if it is very hard to see.
To the Dead-buggy!
Deadpool wanting to finish his final assassination mission is the only thing not explained in detail; however as the comic progresses readers can expect a major conflict between Spidy and Deadpool. While the assassin does want to stay on his best friend’s good side, he still has a final job to do, and is more than eager to kill Peter Parker.