Dragon Ball Z: Super Extreme Butoden, the upcoming 3DS fighting game set to the Dragon Ball Z universe, is set to release in Japan on June 11. This news comes directly from Bandai Namco via the curent issue of V-Jump magazine, however there’s more. Prior to the release of the title, a demo will also be released that will include four playable characters; Goku, Teenage Gohan, Vegeta and Majin Buu. What’s more, all of the progress from the demo can be transferred over to the full game.
But there’s a catch! In order to gain access to the demo you will need a special code that will come with the June 2015 issue of V-Jump magazine, so without that code there will be no accessing the demo.
Sadly there still hasn’t been any mention on if this game will hit the North American region and seeing how the 3DS is region-locked, so unless you have a hex patched 3DS or you have access to a Japanese 3DS, you’re going to miss out of what seems to be the DBZ game that the gamers want.
Source: ShonenGamez