Media Geijutsu Database is a website that opened Tuesday courtesy of Japan’s Agency for Cultural Affairs. The purpose of this website is to chronicle all works pertaining to Anime/Animation, Manga, and Video Games. Currently, the site holds data on roughly 250,000 manga volumes, 9,000 anime titles from 1917 through September 2015, 80,000 magazines from the early Meiji Era through January 2015, and 35,000 video game titles published on console, mobile, and arcade platforms from 1972 through September of 2015. In addition to that, the site also plays host to over 10,000 exhibits from media arts events from 1951 through 2014.
This was a five year project that started in 2010 when the Agency for Cultural Affairs began collecting and compiling data. Unfortunately for Americans, this site is only in Japanese, but if you want to check it out for yourself you can click here: