The live-action drama adaptation of the hit anime “Oshi no Ko”, which premiered on Amazon Prime Video on November 28, 2024, showcases beloved characters such as Ai Hoshino and Kana Arima wearing iconic and popular items from the brand MA*RS, seamlessly integrated into the storyline.
MA*RS is an apparel brand operated by Mona Lisa Yosoten Co., which focuses on Jirai kei and other “Ryousangata” apparel, a new fashion trend that has become popular among Japanese youth.
Jiraikei Fashon : It is a fashion style that embodies a delicate fragility and an air of unpredictability, marked by an emotional and enigmatic allure. The name originates from the metaphorical concept of triggering an emotional “landmine” or sudden “explosion.”
Ryosanngata Fashon:This fashion style focuses on achieving a clean and adorable look, known for its universal appeal and accessibility to many women. The term “mass-produced style” originates from the prevalence of similar outfits and aesthetics among those who adopt it.
MA*RS carries a wide range of the fashion line and has stores in the popular Shibuya109 mall and the Shinjuku district of Tokyo. Recently, due to growing popularity, the number of MA*RS’ overseas customers has increased.
Their official online store has introduced World Shopping BIZ, making it possible for international customers to purchase MA*RS’ popular Japanese apparel.
You can check out the Oshi no Ko collection and others here:
Source: Press Release