Sazae-san has officially become the longest-reigning anime show in history and is now in the Guinness World Records. The show has been airing for 55 years after first premiering on October 5, 1969.
In addition, Midori Kato, the voice of Sazae Fujita, re-earned the Guinness World Record for longest career as a voice actor for the same character in an animated TV series.
A special awards ceremony was held back on November 15 with Kato at the Machiko Hasegawa Museum of Art. Kato said the following on receiving the award:
“I won the award once on the 50th anniversary, and I received it again on the 55th anniversary, 5 years later. The past 5 years have gone by in a flash, but there are many people involved in each anime, and we will cherish it as a weighty award.”
Eiken, the anime studio behind Sazae-san said the following:
“I am very grateful to have been with many of you for a long time, including Midori Kato, who has been full of ‘Sazae-san’s love’ for a long time. Next time, I would like to work hard to make a program with even more love, aiming for a 60th anniversary.”
Source: CBR