During the Tokyo Game Show, Capcom held their industry panel where it was announced that Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection will feature Online Battles and Chip Trading! This comes as exciting news as that was one of the components that they wondered would be included with the collection.
Another interesting feature is that MegaMan.EXE himself will be on the main menu and not only is he fully voiced by original anime VA Andrew Francis, but the comments will be tailored to your performance in the games! It may not be a real AI inside of a PET but it looks like Capcom is trying to simulate that experience!
Lastly, with the confirmation of online battles, Capcom updated the features and description of the game on their website where it was unfortunately learned that the game will not feature cross-play or cross-saves between platforms. So players can only battle and trade on the platform that they choose.
A release date has not been announced and the game is still slated for “2023”