Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is the latest installment in the beloved Dragon Ball saga, and follows the path of Battle of the Gods, Resurrection F, and Broly as being full-on theatrical releases for fans to enjoy on the big screen while also being canon (mostly, it’s complicated). Anyway, today, there was a lot of information dropped about the upcoming movie. Including a new English Dug trailer, and the fact that it’ll release in the United States on August 19th. But it’s the English casting news we want to talk about here, because apparently, Charles Martinet himself is going to be a part of the movie in a big role.
If you don’t know who Charles Martinet is…get some help. Because he’s the voice of Mario! THE Mario. And yet, here he is in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, and playing a member of the villainous Red Ribbon Army via Magenta. He really can’t get away from characters in red, can he? Of course, the true irony here is that he has a big role in this film…but only gets a cameo of sorts in the upcoming Super Mario Movie…make of that what you will.