Yen Press announced the future release of Tomihiko Morimi’s Fox Tales, a collection of short stories taking place in modern Kyoto filled with mystery and intrigue. Celebrated as a prolific and critically acclaimed creator in Japan for years, Tomihiko Morimi has grown in fame and popularity in the western world due to the success of the animated adaptation of his works, such as The Night Is Short, Walk on Girl and Penguin Highway. Fox Tales will be the second Tomihiko Morimi release from Yen On in 2022, following the publication of his debut work, Tower of the Sun, in August 2022.
Yen Press describes the collection as follows:
A collection of four spooky tales for the modern era, all tied to a certain Kyoto curio shop. A basket wriggles, a masked man lingers in the dark, and things are offered, lost, and forgotten. What mysteries lie hidden in the city’s winding streets? Tomihiko Morimi offers a stylish glimpse into the beguiling and mysterious darkness of the old capital.
Fox Tales will be available in hardcover and digital in November 2022.
Source: Press Release