You all knew it was just a matter of time before the PC modding community would get its hooks (pun intended) into Elden Ring. And well, that time has long been here, and I’ve already seen scores of Elden Ring mods. I’ve already seen another of mods and skins, but this utility that I’m about to talk about has been a godsend. Elden Ring FPS Unlocker and more, is the name of a specific utility that, well, does what the name suggests.
A very small footprint application that allows anyone who’s playing Elden Ring on the PC to enable Ultrawide monitor support, as well as unlocking the frame rate. That’s right, no more black bars on the screen, nor are you stuck with the frame rate being capped at 60. In addition to this, you can also change the FOV since the game doesn’t include a FOV slider. There are a few other features, such as those found on a PC trainer. I won’t mention those, however, be careful if you do happen to use them.
Let me say that playing Elden Ring in ultrawide has been amazing. It makes you wonder just why the hell Fromsoftware didn’t include it in the first place. All this wouldn’t be possible without the efforts of Uberhalit, Dubbleclick, and mrdellis. Thank you for all your hard work with this lovely tool.
With mods or utilities such as this, there are usually issues. However, so far I haven’t experienced anything game-breaking. I also haven’t noticed any performance-related issues with using this utility either. Since this isn’t officially supported by Fromsoftware, you’ll need to launch Elden Ring from this utility, as it will disable Easy Anti Cheat. Not doing so will run the risk of your account being banned. Possibly banned for life, so don’t tempt your fate.
You can download Elden Ring The Outerhaven FPS Unlocker and more by heading over to Github. You won’t want to play the game without this handy utility again after using it once.
There’s a bunch of other Elden Ring mods out there, so don’t you worry. I fully plan on covering the most helpful ones soon enough, don’t you worry.