Crunchyroll’s original anime series, Jujutsu Kaisen, is getting its second clothing collection from UNIQLO! While the first collection focused on the manga series, this second collection has a more colorful look to it.
Some of the characters that are to be highlighted in this collection are Nobara Kugisaki, Megumi Fushiguro, and Satoru Gojo.
The collection is set to go live in the United States on June 24. The collection includes six adult-sized t-shirts that are priced at $19.90 each, four kids shirts that are priced at $9.90 each, and three pocketable bags priced at $14.90 each.
To check out the entire collection for yourself, head on over to the official page here: ANIME Jujutsu Kaisen Collection | UNIQLO US
Sources: Funimation & Crunchyroll