Novel Horizons announced today that they have launched a page on their website which details what is needed from original English light novel authors in order to become published with the company.
The page goes over general guidelines for the submissions process as well as a link to a document that details different publishing packages and services that are available to the author including but not limited to artwork enhancements, editing, marketing, and more.
Novel Horizons is currently seeking quality stories with engaging characters from all genres. As of now, the site features three light novels, One-Two-Five, Rise of the Hunters, and Just Say You Won’t Let Go with more titles to come in the future. Fans can also purchase character postcards from their favorite series in their store.
Novel Horizons recently rebranded from Sun Riviera Studios with a renewed focus on publishing original English light novels. If you are an OELN author and wish to check out the company along with the requirements to publish with them, you can get all of that information and more at the following link: