Legendary mangaka, Osamu Tezuka’s Dororo manga series has received the green light for a second television anime series. Dororo was originally serialized back in 1967. MAPPA and Tezuka Productions will be creating the anime series. Amazon Prime will be streaming the series in Japan as well as overseas. The original anime series ran in 1969 and lasted for 26 episodes. The original series was broadcast in black and white!
Tezuka Studios describes the story of the anime as follows:
The setting is the middle of the Muromachi Period, during the 1470s after the Wars of Onin and Bunmei. The story begins in the Noto Peninsula of the Hokuriku District. The main character (Hyakkimaru), who lacks as much as 48 body parts, obtains a fake body and eliminates 48 monsters that were made from his body to retrieve his missing body parts.
Vertical Comics currently holds the license for Dororo and released a compiled version of the manga series back in 2012. Discotek released the original 1969 anime on Blu-ray back in 2015 with English subtitles.
Dororo Key Visual
Promotional Video