I’m sure almost everyone is aware now that Respawn Entertainment’s upcoming FPS, Titanfall, is now an MS exclusive title. It’s not a timed exclusive, no it’s a lifetime exclusive title that will only come out on the PC, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. Now while I already planned on picking up the game on the PC I don’t feel that this is something that should have ever happened. Sure we’re all familiar with titles being exclusive to the specific system but they’re either done via 1st party companies or done by 3rd party companies but eventually, they end up on other platforms. Though there have been enough games that were published/developed by 3rd party companies that end up on one system only and well they usually don’t sell well or meet the companies expected sales and ultimately are deemed failures. I’m looking at you Monster Hunter as an example.
I for one don’t like this and I never have as I feel it hurts the people that matter, us, the gamers. We buy systems that we enjoy and understand that doing so will forfeit certain titles as they are platform specific like the Super Mario series or Uncharted. Though we usually expect that games from 3rd party companies to make their way to every other system so it evens out. Now with exceptions like that just happened to Titanfall, well it flat out sucks. There’s no logical reason why Titanfall is exclusive to Microsoft’s consoles, none what so ever. It’s just another attempt to force gamers into buying a Microsoft branded console, no decisions allowed this time only forcible means. And it’s shame as it seems Titanfall is shaping up to be a must-have game which is now a must-have game if you’re rocking an Xbox 360 or Xbox One.
Will this discourage gamers? It most likely will, I’m disgusted if not discouraged. Not that I won’t end up playing it cause I will. I’m disgusted as I thought we were past this. Now that both systems are somewhat similar I was hoping that the strengths of those systems and games that hit those systems would encourage sales. Not being shoehorned into buying a game, a game that’s 3rd party title. I just can’t see how this happened, especially since it’s from a new company and it’s a new IP. Why would you alienate the consumers, it just doesn’t make sense. You essentially halved your sales by eliminating anyone who only owns a Playstation 3 or Playstation 4 the chance to play the game. At least now we know why EA Games Label boss Patrick Söderlund couldn’t comment on if it the title was going to land on a Sony system;
“We haven’t communicated anything on that, and I can’t comment on that right now,” Söderlund replied, before adding: “We’re proud to be exclusive to Xbox.”
Of course not, as we now see it was always slated to go where it is now. And that my friends isn’t good for anyone.