Capcom has released a new video for the upcoming Monster Hunter: World that will be released on PS4, Xbox One and PC. Upon checking out the video, it would appear that this is what was shown during E3 2017. However, this footage appears to be much clearer than previous footage, giving viewers a better look at the game, which is always appreciated.
I didn’t get a chance to check out the title at E3 2017, as I couldn’t get near the booth. That and I was busy covering as much as I could, but trust me if I could have stayed in line I would have. Either way, I’m still excited to finally get Monster Hunter back on the PC and PS4.
Monster Hunter: World releases early next year for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. There is also a PC version planned, however, there is no release date as Capcom is putting in double duty to make sure it looks and plays exceptionally good. I’d wager that they’re hearing the PC gamers chatting at them “1080p@60fps or not buy”, which I’m sure Capcom doesn’t want that to happen.