What happens when you order a sexy as all heck, Corsair gaming mouse and have it delivered to you? Well, if you’re this unfortunate soul over at the PC Masterrace subreddit and it gets shipped via DHL, you may end up with something other. Reddit user, XD_3VIL_M0NKEY, ordered this mentioned mouse and was super excited to get it shipped and into their hands. I mean, it’s a great gaming mouse, I’d be excited as well.
However, things didn’t turn out as planned and what he ended up with was not a mouse at all. No, instead, it was the aftermath of a gaming mouse that was beaten over the head, repeatedly.
You can see more of the carnage here, but be forewarned, it’s not pretty.
Extremely frustrated, pictures were taken, anger was vented via Reddit, and he contacted both DHL and Corsair. He didn’t seem to have much luck with DHL, but thankfully, Corsair sprung into action. As we speak (or read), Corsair is setting out a new mouse via a different shipping carrier. Way to step in and get this taken care of, Corsair! I also wanna shout to GloriousGe0rge, who happens to be the Community Marketing Manager for Corsair and responsible for taking care of this travesty.
You can read about the entire situation as it unfolded, here.
I can’t even fathom how DHL would even allow this mess to be delivered. I’d be ashamed that I royally thrashed someone’s package and would be direct about replacing it. It just goes to show how little they care about you or I. Pictures are worth a thousand words or so they say, so how about that, DHL? Best believe I’ll make sure I avoid this particular shipping company. Especially since I happen to ship and buy a lot of computer equipment and I’d rather it be delivered, preferably intact.