When Bethesda and MachineGames released the reboot of the Wolfenstein, I was pretty damned hyped. It was easily one of the more enjoyable first person shooters during that year. Hell, even the follow-up, The New Order, was impressive. Though, it’s been some time since we saw or heard anything regarding a new Wolfenstein game. That is, until E3 2017, then Bethesda finally announced a new game in the series.
So, Wolfenstein II: The new Colossus, finds our hero, BJ Blazkowicz, in a rather specific predicament. No, not fighting Nazi’s, as he’s damned good at that. Not teaming up with oddly unexpected strangers, because he’s done that time and time again. No, this time, he’s fighting for two causes; to save the American way and to fight for a future for his children. Yep, Old BJ is gonna be a daddy and if there’s one thing dad’s do damned good, it’s fighting for their children.
Being a dad myself, and a game, I can’t wait for Wolfenstein II: The new Colossus to be released later this year. Guns, explosions, sassy black females, robots and much more. Yeah, Bethesda, bring this one and the sooner the better!
Wolfenstein II: The new Colossus releases on October 27th, 2017, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.