A short-form anime film, Toi-san, was announced! Based on the YouTube comedy series by VTuber Jel, the film is set to premiere in theaters across Japan during the summer. Jel is a member of the VTuber boy band Strawberry Prince.
Jel plays a large part on the film’s cast including the roles of Original Creator, Scriptwriter, Storyboarding, Character Designer, and Character Voices. Strawberry Prince member Nanamori will serve as Planner and Producer for the film.
A promotional trailer for Toi-san was released that you can check out below:
The story of Toi-san follows Akane Toi, a high school girl who is known by her classmates as “Toi-san”. Toi-san intends to have an ordinary high school experience, but on her first day of school she meets a handsome boy named Jel, and although Toi-san assumes that her school life is about to turn into a romance, instead Jel and the rest of her classmates are so wacky and eccentric that every day turns into a comedy complete with stand-up routines and skits!
Source: Crunchyroll