Sega and Ryu Ga Gotoku revealed footage from the New Virtua Fighter Project for CES 2025. Akira is having himself a classic mirror match and looking a bit more different than ever before. The old city, from the first preview, sets the stage for a quick fight for the mainstay face of the franchise. Riichiro Yamada, from RGG, stated that this concept took a month to produce after the initial planning.
Akira does look different as much as the project does. Lowering the hair and losing the top of his usual gi(just like you know who), Akira is back. his opponent also has a different look compared to Akira’s usual 2p skin. This could indicate that the series has yet another time jump. Some of the game’s staples are back such as the announcer’s lines and the UI does feel closer to the original. 30 seconds seems to be the count for this match. Since this is just a concept, the wincount does feel off. Blue and red highlights feels like a nod to Ultimate Showdown.
The fight itself feels pretty choreographed to be considered a real match as the two duke it out. Blocks and hits are clean without any sparks whatsoever. Yamada has also reassured fans that this is just a concept for Akira. The camera angles themselves, also. Especially Akira kicking the other Akira into some debris from the stage. I’m guessing this is considered a Ring Out?
This concept demo was created in about a month after planning. Akira's design is also a prototype.
We will work hard to provide players with a new experience!Stay tuned for the future of NEW VF!
— 山田理一郎 Riichiro Yamada (@reachman) January 7, 2025
Of course, no reveal is ever complete without twitter’s reactions to this. For instance, FGC Dead Or Alive gamer and content creator, EmeryReigns, had a pretty solid reaction to this. Well, after his initial WTF reaction to the trailer.
It’s so insane thinking virtua fighter is going to have a yazkua style quality story most likely.
Sick considering Akira was supposed to be in Shenmue originally before Ryo Hazuki.
I’m so fucking amped.
— EmeryReigns (@EmeryReigns) January 7, 2025
Evo Global Director MarkMan also chimed in being just as excited.
New VIRTUA FIGHTER Project just posted a pre-development concept video!
This looks CRAZY GOOD!#VirtuaFighter #NewVF
— Mark Julio 『マークマン』 (@MarkMan23) January 7, 2025
The New Virtua Fighter Project New ‘Do
While this is the latest we’ve seen from this, it’s best to take it with a grain of salt as to it not being what we’d expect from the series for the final. Stella and Akira’s fight, during the Game Awards preview is probably what we should be expecting as something closer to the final. The hyper-realism, that RGG is taking to this series, is phenominal to say the least. Utilizing the same power as that of the Yakuza.. err Like A Dragon series feels like the best route. The new Virtua Fighter Project will also be coming with more story, new characters, and heart, than ever before for the series.