The twelfth installment of the slice-of-life drama light novel series, From Ashe is here! You can pick up a copy today in Paperback, Hardcover, Kindle, and/or eBook format to continue your journey alongside Ashe Sawyer as she aims to become a published author!
From Ashe Vol. 12 Synopsis:
The Past Returns to Haunt the Present!
As Ashe worries about her future at In/Source, Renji has his own issues at work. When his insubordinate co-worker Damon refuses to peacefully work with Renji, he has to make a few tough decisions; however, those decisions come with some dire consequences.
Meanwhile, Saraya comes to a crossroads in her life and needs to make an important decision, one that will determine the path she will walk from here on out. Thankfully, Ashe is there to help guide her; however, with so much weighing on her mind, who will be there to guide Ashe when she needs it most?
As always, From Ashe Vol. 12 is available in the following formats:
Paperback – $12.99
Hardcover – $19.99
Kindle – $4.99
eBook – $4.99
Visit the Official Product Page to Purchase: