Manga Planet is excited to announce the sequel to Ruri Fujikawa’s Boys’ Love (BL) manga Marking Omega published by KAIOHSHA will be added to its library.
Marking Omega by Ruri Fujikawa
Tori Yoshida is a ‘flawed’ omega. Unlike other omegas, he has a unique constitution – he doesn’t go into heat, ever since puberty, and can’t smell or feel alpha pheromones. While this may be a setback for normal omegas, it’s his saving grace that landed him his job as a teacher in a world where omegas are at a disadvantage.
Everything is well until he meets the new teacher, Kei Hidaka, a supposedly beta. Things happen, and as it turns out, Kei is actually an alpha, and it seems he triggered Tori’s first-ever heat. Now the two have to keep each other’s secret from the whole school while maintaining a purely physical relationship.
That’s all it was, right?
Marking Omega 2 will be available to read on Manga Planet via subscription as well as individual purchase.
The first volume of Marking Omega was released on Manga Planet in December of 2022.
Featuring a subscription plan and options to purchase or rent titles by chapter or volume, Manga Planet offers a variety of manga titles of different genres from publishers, mangaka, and independent artists.
Source: Press Release