It was announced that an original TV anime titled Hibi was Sugiredo Meshi Umashi is set to premiere at some point in 2025!
The initial staff was announced as follows:
- Studio: P.A.WORKS
- Original Story & Character Concepts: Atto
- Character Designs & Chief Animation Director: Hajime Mitsuda
- Composition: Hiki Yoshihiro
- Music: Hiromi Mizutani
The story of Hibi wa Sugiredo Meshi Umashi follows the culinary adventures of Mako Kawai, a first-year college student. Although details about the story of the series are currently sparse, the tagline on the teaser art states that “Cuteness + Deliciousness = The Ultimate Meal.”
A trailer for the anime was released which you can check out below:
Source: Crunchyroll