Update: Previously, I discussed Grinding Gear Games’ efforts to improve dodge rolling, which should hopefully help players escape life-or-death situations. This has since been introduced as of December 11, 2024, with the release of the Path of Exile 2 0.1.0d patch.
Now that this patch has been released, I can see a difference when fighting against those damned Adorned Beetles in Keth, which is ironic as that seems to be one of the monsters in the game that give players issues and can easily overcome anyone. Again, as stated by GGG, it doesn’t save you from everything, but at least you have a fighting chance.
You can read the full patch notes in this link.
Original story below.
One of the things that frustrates me like no other in Path of Exile 2 is being body-blocked to death. You know, when you’re trapped by monsters on all sides and despite having access to a dodge roll, it doesn’t help that much. Or trying to dodge roll between what looks like an escape, only to find out it isn’t. It isn’t a good feeling and I know I’ve had my fair share of deaths due to this. Well, Grinding Gear Games has heard the feedback and frustration and will be deploying a change that should help this happen less.
Here’s what Grinding Gear Games has to say about this:
A lot of players have expressed frustration about being trapped in by monsters. While it is intended that monsters are able to trap and kill you, we felt that the frequency of this was a little too high.
We will be deploying the following changes in an upcoming patch:
- Player size is now set to Zero units while dodge rolling instead of One unit
- Some smaller monsters can now be pushed while dodge rolling. This includes monsters such as the Adorned Beetles in Keth.
This should result in getting trapped less often.
Note that you can still be trapped. A player size of a zero can still not phase through monsters, but it can get through even the smallest gap between them.
A change is better than no change, and even though we can still get blocked by enemies, at least now there’s some hope that we’ll be able to slip through those spaces and push smaller creatures out of the way. As for how effective this will be, we’ll have to wait until this Path of Exile 2 patch gets released.
Path of Exile 2 is currently available as an early-access title for PC, Xbox Server X|S, and PlayStation 5. If you haven’t taken the plunge yet or need a bit of convincing, give our Path of Exile 2 review a read.