The Aquarion series, an original robot anime created by Shoji Kawamori (Macross series) and Satelight, will celebrate its 20th anniversary next year. The highly anticipated Aquarion: Myth of Emotions, the fourth entry in the series, is set to premiere in January.
During a special event held at Tachikawa Cinema City on December 7, which featured an advance screening of Episode 1 and a talk show, details about the opening and ending theme songs for the anime were revealed.
The opening theme, “Genesis of Aquarion: Myth of Emotions Ver.,” will be performed by a special unit comprising AKINO from bless4—who sang the iconic theme for the original 2005 series Genesis of Aquarion—and Yoshiki Fukuyama, known for his work with FIRE BOMBER and JAM PROJECT. The original “Genesis of Aquarion,” written by Yuho Iwasato and composed by Yoko Kanno, is known for its memorable lyrics, “I’ve loved you since ten thousand and two thousand years ago.” The Myth of Emotions version is a reimagining of this classic track by renowned Evangelion composer Shiro Sagisu.
The ending theme, titled “Kokuhaku,” will also be performed by AKINO. With lyrics by director Kenji Itoso and Yoko Kanno, and composition and arrangement by Kanno, the song blends AKINO’s vocals with stunning string arrangements to deliver a divine musical experience.
Be sure to look forward to these incredible songs!
Source: Press Release