It was announced by Toei Animation that the popular Girls Band Cry anime is coming to North American streaming platforms on August 13! The series will stream on Fandango at Home, Microsoft, Amazon Prime Video, and Hoopla.
The show aired in Japan last season; however, no streaming service picked it up. Now, North American audiences will be able to experience the show… legally…
Girls Band Cry is described as follows:
The main character drops out of high school in her second year, and aims at entering a university while working alone in Tokyo.
A girl is betrayed by her friends and doesn’t know what to do.
Another girl is abandoned by her parents, and tries to survive in the city by doing part-time jobs.
This world lets us down all the time.
Nothing goes as planned.
But we want something that we can continue to like.
We believe there’s a place where we belong. That’s why we sing.
Source; Crunchyroll