In preparation for the summer, Shift Up Studios revealed their summer event and newest collaboration for their game Goddess of Victory: Nikke. It will collaborate with the hit game Dave the Diver.
Shift Up had a special Summer Summer Livestream that details the events, new summer variants, and costumes for Nikke. It would then lead to the collaboration event with Dave The Diver.
Note that the live stream was altered for YouTube guidelines and is not representative of the main game. The costumes will be uncensored when you play when it goes live after the July 4th update.
Shifty showed off the event trailers for Nikke that will take place after an update on July 4th. First are the summer variant units for two current Nikkes. Rosanna and Sakura, two of the three Underworld World Queens, will have a swimsuit variant in the event. These two will be a limited pickup recruitment. This means that players will only be able to recruit them during the event and will not be available in the normal recruitment pool after the event concludes.
We also get to see three new costumes for three other Nikkes. One is the Gacha Costume for Viper called Shine of Love. This costume will contain a special burst animation alongside the new look. Another addition is there will be a special gift unique to Viper after the update. If players can equip this gift, another unique burst animation will be available for her.
Aside from Viper, we also have swimsuit outfits for Maiden and Guilty. These two will be available via passes. For Guilty, it will be available via the Watermelon Pass. And for Maiden, it will be available in the July Premium Mission Pass. Each pass cost 19.99 each.
Next is the collaboration event with Dave the Diver. While many people were expecting Stellar Blade, it makes sense given the Summer aesthetic. They have a trailer featuring Dave the Bancho and the Aegis Squad. It shows off the gameplay of the original Dave the Diver but involves the Aegis Squad of Nikke. Help Dave catch fish and sea creatures to supply and run his Sushi shop. From what we can see, Shift Up has taken great care to recreate the original game but with a twist.
Naturally, there are also costumes to celebrate the collaboration. They will have Mast and Anchor of the Aegis Squad don the swim gear of Dave the Diver. Mast’s costume will be a reward in the Divers Pass Premium Rewards. While for Anchor, her costumer can be earned in the game by playing the minigame based on Dave the Diver.
This is just another in an ongoing trend of collaborations for Nikke. They did note that there will be more collaborations later on. It is still too early to let the player know what it is, but they know that players will be happy when it is revealed. They also shared information on the booth activities at Anime Expo. Next, they showed off the three choices for the free costume for Red Hood. Players can vote which one they want in the poll and whichever has the most votes will be given to all players. This is after Red Hood won the popularity poll for the year.
The live stream concluded with showing off the winners for the community art and video creators for Nikke.
Summer is about to get a lot hotter Commander! So if you want to get in on the Summer fun, you better store up those gems and tickets. It is going to be a beautiful time.
Goddess of Victory: Nikke is available on mobile devices and Windows PC.