Manga Planet is delighted to announce that Pumpkin Night, a slasher horror manga written by Masaya Hokazono and illustrated by Seima Taniguchi, will be released in English on Manga Planet, with the release date to be announced at a later time.
The synopsis of Pumpkin Night is as follows:
High school girl Asumi is more intrigued than terrified by the mysterious “Pumpkin Night” account that follows her social media profile. Asami follows back in curiosity, only to immediately regret it when Pumpkin Night comes to get her… Who is the face behind Pumpkin Night, and what led them to embark on this bloody rampage of revenge?
The first chapter of Pumpkin Night will be available for free, while succeeding chapters and volumes will be readable via the Manga Planet Pass, Manga Planet’s subscription plan.
Pumpkin Night was first released on LINE Manga as an original series on August 14, 2019. The title was a hit in Japan, gaining as much as 125 million views on LINE Manga.
Source: Press Release