Tower of Fantasy has recently launched for PC and Phone. You may be confused about a lot of things if you are planning to start and play this game. I hope to help you figure things out a little bit. Is this like Genshin Impact, a very popular game that seems similar? Aesthetically, yes. Otherwise, not a whole lot is similar. You do get to choose between a girl and a guy who wanders around with no memory of their past, but not a lot else is the same.
Let’s break some of this down. You want to start by getting as far as you can in the story until you get access to your weapons. There is a newcomer point system currently in place with Tower of Fantasy. You do things such as pulling weapons, exploring the map, opening chests, and doing missions, and you get points for it. When you reach 700 points, you get an SSR weapon selector. Now do not use it instantly once you receive it. You want to use the weapon selector to finish your weapon set basically. You get a variety of weapons in the game, and you can pull a number of them too on banners. Wait til you have some sort of a semblance of a setup.
Taking a look here, there is a variety of weapons, but not one of them is a proper setup, really. It is a good exploration kit. However, it would become a decent setup if I were to switch out one of the element weapons for the same element. You will want two weapons that have a good weapon resonance but also the same element in case you want to find world bosses. The first world boss of the game is a fire element and requires ice weapons to be taken down. If I were to use a weapon, I would want to change out; it would be King’s Scythe for Meryl’s Broadsword. So I could create an ice set up that way to take on the first world boss in Astra. What is weapon resonance? I used that phrase a little while back.
Weapon Resonance
Weapon Resonance is a set of weapons that activate a special perk. For instance, two heavy damage dealing weapons put together give you an Attack weapon resonance. It gives you a much bigger DPS-type kit. You can also have a defense resonance or a support resonance. For going about the world, you can also have an all-rounder resonance. In solo play, you get a small perk to these bonuses, but in team play, you get a giant perk. Using a proper weapon resonance in a team greatly boosts your damage, your ability to tank damage, or your healing ability. This game is focused on builds and the weapons you have access to with your character.
This is the big reason why I recommend holding on to that SSR weapon selector item. Choose it to help build up your weapon resonance for team play. Any weapon will get you through the story but not every weapon will be helpful in team play.
After you finish a chunk of the story, you can go from Astra to Banges. Don’t instantly go to Banges. You will now have access to Daily bounties, Joint Operations, Crews, and much much more. Travel around and find the nucleus around Astra. Also, finish the ruins you have access to. You will get some relics out of the first three ruins you complete in Astra. They will help you fight and traverse the terrain in the world. You don’t need to take a look at everything quite yet but make sure you are aware you have the option now to do parties, teams, and doing more things with other players. Once you have a good chunk of Astra sorted out, you can move to Banges. Especially since you will have a lot, you can unlock just by exploring the map.
Starting SSR Ideas!
I should recommend some basic SSR weapons that are good for getting yourself situated.
- King – Scythe of the Crow. This weapon has a lot of speed, range, and shatter potential. It also is the strongest fire weapon currently in the game.
- Cocoritter – Absolute Zero. The best healing weapon in the game. Has a much smaller cooldown than the SR healing staff. Good weapon to base a healing support weapon resonance around.
- Tsubasa – Icewind Arrow. Best bow in the game with a lot of great ice damage that is very helpful for the very first world boss you will have access to.
- Samir – Dual EM Stars. Does a good chunk of fast electro damage that is very good against physical shields.
- Huma – Molten Shield V2. The only shield in the game but has a huge damage buff once the special is activated.
These are five weapons I believe to be extremely solid for starting out and have really good potential. Does this mean they are the best there is? No. These weapons are really good to get used to mastering. Weapons you will want to figure out.
Enter the Matrices
Weapons are only really one half of the story. Just because you have a good weapon doesn’t mean you will be able to brute force everything. You will also need to sort out and manage getting Matrices. A Matrix is a chip you insert into your weapon. They have stats, and a perk activated if you get the same amount of matrices inserted into the weapon that are compatible. The first step to getting basic ones is managing element matrices matching your weapon. For instance, a fire matrix to affix into King’s Scythe will increase its normal damage but also its fire damage. The absolute best matrices you can get are the SSR ones that match with the weapon you want to affix them. However, you will need all four of the matrix to affix in order for it to have the best value.
If you like guides like this, let me know, and I can make more for Tower of Fantasy or for Genshin Impact. Those are currently my addictions right now. Gacha addictions are one heck of a drug. Luckily I don’t spend much on these games, so I am not a total whale. Overall don’t take what I have written as gospel. Don’t worry about it if you want to just play casually and not have to care about weapon resonances, matrices, or teams and crews. Just have fun. Just note that if you want to get serious, make sure you keep yourself informed of all the systems and relics and builds Tower of Fantasy has to offer you to min-max your character in the best way possible.