PlayStation and Epic Games, along with other developers, are working together to help decrease the amount of input ag in the PlayStation versions of several fighting games that use Unreal Engine.
This information came from the official EVO Twitter account and would make sense. EVO is the biggest fighting game tournament in North America and is owned by PlayStation. It warrants they have some concerns about this. This includes DNF Duel, which uses the Unreal Engine game engine.
Evo is grateful to share that we have been working with Sony PlayStation, Epic Games, and our developer partners to reduce input latency for many of your favorite fighting games!
Please expect more updates to follow as Evo works towards a more responsive future for the FGC.
— Evo (@Evo) June 3, 2022
Seeing how this has been an issue for a while but has recently come to light due to the release of DNF Duel, that’s where I’m focusing on.
While the beta had a large amount of input lag, between the PS4 and PS5 betas, you could tell that the PS5 version had more of an issue. I excepted this to be addressed by the game was released, except it wasn’t. With the game being in the hands of thousands of players, it was noticed that the input lag had been a sore point, to say the least. For casuals like myself, this isn’t a big deal.
However, this is a problem when you’re playing DNF Duel on a higher level or competitive level. You need your moves to come out as quick as possible, and if you’re playing on the PS4 version at 1080p or the PS5 version at 4K, you’re in for some trouble. Tests performed on the PS4, and PS5 versions of DNF Duel have shown that compared to the PC version of the game, the input lag is 2-3x higher, and that’s a problem.
DNF Duelの入力遅延を計測完了しました。
PS5は・・・うーん・・・🤔#inputlag #DNFDuel— kimagre gaming@ゲーム検証 (@kimagreGaming) June 29, 2022
There’s nothing else to report on this, other than this is being looked into and there’s no ETA on any fix. Yet, at the same time, this input lag issue is precisely why more gamers have been flocking to the PC versions. We all know I’m a PC gaming advocate, so I’m happy to see more people enjoying the benefits of PC gaming.
DNF Duel is currently available on the PS4, PS5, and PC (Steam). Currently, there is no crossplay for PS4 or PS5 vs PC gamers and vice versa, but it will eventually make it into the game. Sadly, there’s no Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S version, and that’s a damned shame.
EVO 2022 will take place this year from August 5-7, 2022, and the line-up of games to be played has been announced. Several of them do use the Unreal engine, including Guilty Gear Strive, Mortal Kombat 11, Tekken 7, and Street Fighter V: Champion Edition. While DNF Duel isn’t going to be on the main stage, you know for sure there’s going to be a side tournament. Here’s to hoping a fix is found before EVO 2022 gets here.