Super Smash Bros Ultimate had a lot of hype from the moment the Inkling saw the Smash Bros logo. What would follow though was a building of hype with each and every character trailer between the main game and the two DLC packs that would follow. Each trailer was special, unique, funny, and brought in characters both powerful, incredible, and unexpected. Last week, Masahiro Sakurai broke down the set of reveal trailers for Super Smash Bros on Wii U and 3DS, but now, it’s Ultimate’s turn.
Oh yes, he goes into great detail about every single trailer, from the reveal trailer:
“This video was created with the intention to announce the game in a Nintendo Direct. Because of that there’s no reveal video for Inkling, but the Smash symbol with the cross in the circle appearing in Inkling’s eye was met with a tremendous reaction. And then to find out that it’s coming in less than a year!”
To the first true DLC reveal being Joker from Persona 5:
This was the announcement video that revealed Joker as a fully-fledged fighter. The actual announcement was made with “Take Your Heart”. It was made with the concept of Joker sneaking into The Game Awards 2018 to steal a Super Smash Bros. invitation, so there were two sets of dialogue: one for The Game Awards, and one for the web version. The animated parts were made by Domerica, who also worked on the cutscenes in Joker’s original game.
To, of course, Sora:
This is the last fighter to be revealed, so we went back to the beginning and made it a finale. Creating that many fighters in CG would have been a lot of work! Instead, we made the background black and plain, but I think this is the best way. The in-game part also came out really well. I think it’s a fitting end.
So check out all of his insights and see what he had to say about YOUR favorite Ultimate character trailer!