To say that there was a lot cut out of the theatrical cut of Justice League (done by Joss Whedon in the end) is an understatement. But without a doubt, the character who had the most cut content was Cyborg, played by Ray Fisher. There were multiple subplots involving him and his family that were ripped out of the film for various reasons. All of them bad. But now, with The Snyder Cut, that is going to change, and the potentially final character teaser for the uncut film helps prove that.
Because not only do we get a look at scene that wasn’t in the theatrical cut, all the dialogue that is in the teaser was not heard in the original film. Showcasing that there truly is more to tell in the story of Cyborg.
Ray Fisher has been one of the biggest advocates for The Snyder Cut, as well as one of the biggest voices for trying to bring light to what happened on the set of Justice League under Joss Whedon’s “tenure”. Even calling out some of the major heads of WB for ripping out the storyline that Zack had planned for his character. So there’s no doubt a lot of joy that he feels knowing that he and Zack will get their moment very soon.
The Snyder Cut arrives on HBO Max on March 18th.