It was earlier announced that WreckingPrograms will be stepping away from the fan game Mega Man Maker once version 1.7 releases. WreckingPrograms is currently employed by Batterystaple Games and is currently working on the upcoming 30XX game and cited that as the reason as to why he is stepping down.
He went on to say that this is not the end of Mega Man Maker, though. Luigi and Goldstorm will be picking up in his place as the new lead developers of the project.
According to WreckingPrograms, there are about 190,000 users and 170,000 levels in Mega Man Maker, making it far more successful than he had ever imagined it being. So much so, that in version 1.7, they are upgrading their server hardware to provide faster load times, smoother levels, lag reduction, and even some new features.
Mega Man Maker has been around for 4 years now and originally featured limited content from Mega Man 1-6. Today, the game features content from all 11 classic Mega Man titles along with exclusive content (such as unique weapons) only available in Mega Man Maker. Some of the classic weapons are also a bit different as well (such as being able to air slide and jump out of the air slide with Mega Man 5’s Charge Kick or walk on spikes with Mega Man 4’s Skull Barrier.).
You can find his entire statement on his departure here: