Yen Press has announced a brand-new manga series based on the hit video game Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. The manga will be called Sekiro Side Story: Hanbei the Undying and is scheduled to release in both physical and digital formats on June 23. The announcement was made via a tweet which you can view below:
If you've been dying for more Sekiro content, we've got you covered. Sekiro Side Story: Hanbei the Undying comes out in print next week!
— Yen Press (@yenpress) June 17, 2020
Yen Press describes the manga as follows:
Life beyond death…A foolish notion with which to deceive oneself. But what happens when death does not come? Hanbei the Undying has lived longer than most, yet he’s found no sense of purpose along the way-no reason to swing his blade. With a history vaster than most could hope to comprehend, it’s only natural to wonder: Who exactly was he before he met the Wolf? Find out in this must-read tale for fans of FromSoftware’s hit game SEKIRO: Shadows Die Twice!
Delving into history unexplored in the game, Sekiro Side Story: Hanbei the Undying provides rich insight into the history of the game’s main character.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is one of the most successful console games of 2019 with almost four million copies sold. Sekiro was cited as receiving “universal acclaim” according to Metacritic and won numerous awards, including Game of the Year from The Game Awards 2019 and the Japan Game Award’s Award for Excellence.