Look at Sly Stallone, just casually dropping the news that a new ‘Demolition Man’ movie is in the works. In a recent Q&A segment hosted by Stallone on Instagram, it was asked if we’d see a follow-up to 1993 cult classic, Demolition Man. To which Stallone replied that there is one in the planning by Warner Brothers.
“I think there is coming” “We’re working on it right now with Warner Bros., and it’s looking fantastic. That should come out, it should happen.” per Stallone.
This occurs at the 5:45 minute mark in the following video.
Needless to say, Demolition Man was heavily in my rotation during my growing up years, and even to this day. I’d love to see a sequel to the movie. Though seeing how Simon Phoenix’s (Wesley Snipes) character was killed off it just wouldn’t feel the same. Part of the charm of the movie was the chemistry between Stallone and Snipes.
Either way, it is exciting to see that after all its time a sequel just may happen after all. Maybe, just maybe, we’ll find out the deal behind the three seashells. I still don’t have a clue about them.
Seeing how we’re all stuck in our homes, now’s a perfect time to re-watch Demolition Man, or watch it for the time if you’ve never seen it.