Studio Durga completed their 6-part anime miniseries Karmachakra. The series encompasses an 80-minute movie called Karmachakra: Episode Zero which spans the first arc of the story as well as the miniseries. The final part of the miniseries premiered back on February 1.
Studio Durga describes the series as follows:
Karmachakra is the story of an orphan girl trying to find her roots, revolving around mysteries about her past and present. It is a mystery drama set in a fictional present-day India that draws inspiration from psychology, Hindu mythology, and cybertechnology.
This is seen as a milestone for the anime industry as Studio Durga is the first Indian animation studio that creates anime, independent of foreign collaboration. The Studio says that the original story was conceived in 2016 which lead to the formation of Studio Durga one year later.
You can check out the trailer for the movie below:
To check out Karmachakra and Studio Durga for yourselves, hit them up at the following links:
Official Website:
Thanks to Twitter user and original English light novelist Sein Ares for the tip!