When that rascally goose from the super popular Untitled Goose Game became a meme, I openly joked that we need to see it in both Dark Souls and Resident Evil 2 remake. Well, someone took the task of adding it to the latter and now there’s a mod that replaces Mister X with the Goose.
No, I’m not joking about this.
Thanks to the talents of game modder Alister (ZOMBIEALI on Nexusmods), the goose is loose in Resident Evil 2 Remake. The goose even gets to keep Mister X’s fedora, because according to Alister, “He’s keeping the Fedora because he is just so Fancy like that”.
The mod isn’t complete yet, as there are plans to add the adoring and annoying honking from the goose. At the moment, the mod isn’t available for download.
If you’re a PC gamer, then Alister is a name you are likely already familiar with. He’s created multiple mods for Resident Evil 2 Remake, including a Dio and Jotaro skin from Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure and the terrifying Thomas the Tank Engine Mister X replacement.
Now, I’m just waiting to see who’s going to replace Sif with the goose in Dark Souls. C’mon, we know someone is working on this.