It’s fair to say that while Sony has been less than forthcoming with cross-play support, they’ve slowly come around. While Microsoft and Nintendo have been leading the charge, Sony is more akin to the child who’s tagging along because their friends are doing it. Well, that looks to have changed if this recent article from Wired is to be believed.
According to Wired, Sony talks about how this now made it possible for developers to use cross-play support in all their games. Meaning that if a developer wants cross-play, they already have Sony’s blessing to do so. That’s one less hurdle to jump over, and we should see more games supporting this in the near future. Could developers also go back and add this to existing games as well?
This article also talks about Sony’s new focus on the PlayStation brand, as well as Cloud Gaming. We’ve already seen some benefit from this already with the recent price drop of PlayStation Now and the addition of four marquee games to its line-up. It’s definitely worth a read, so be sure to head over to Wired and check out that article.
To this day, there have been a handful of games that support cross-play for the PS4. Those include Dauntless, Fortnite, Rocket League, Paladins, Smite, and the upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
Either way, this is fantastic news, yet I have two questions. The first is will this extend to the new upcoming PlayStation system? It would be nice to have this initiative implemented and become a permanent feature on all PlayStation hardware. The next question is easy, what took you so long, PlayStation?