Panzer Dragoon Remake on PC!
When Forever Entertainment announce they were working on a remake of Panzer Dragoon for the Switch, we reached out asking if it would come to other platforms. We never got a reply, however, today’s news is the next best thing. The team has announced that Panzer Dragoon: Remake is heading to the PC via Steam later this year.
Yep, you can all cheer now.
While we haven’t had a chance to check out the remake for our selves, we have heard great things about it. Especially the overhaul that the visuals have received. Hopefully, the PC will receive all the necessary options that will let us tweak it. Oh, and no blasted locked frame rate, let us run free.
That said, this isn’t the first time that a Panzer Dragoon game made its way to the PC. A few decades ago, Sega had ported the first two games of the series to the PC. They were only released in Japan, but they ran fine over here if you managed to snag a copy. It wasn’t the greatest experience, then again those were harsher times.
I can’t wait to check out Panzer Dragoon Remake. I loved the entire series, and they were easily some of the best games on the Sega Saturn. Shame about Panzer Dragoon Saga, though. One of the best RPGs ever made (IMHO) and one that has been lost to time as Sega lost the source code.
Look for Panzer Dragoon Remake to be released in Winter 2019.