Author: Yoshitoki Oima
Publisher: Kodansha Comics
Language: English
Format: Paperback
Pages: 192
Genre: Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Publication Date: April 24, 2018
The Story
Volume four of To Your Eternity does a bit of a time skip. We go four years into the future and see Rean, Fushi, and Gugu all grown up. Fushi was noted that since he didn’t transform or make use of his powers in that four-year timespan, his body was subjected to normal aging. That’s a pretty interesting facet to his body as that means he could grow old and succumb to time simply by not exercising his power. Though, since he’s immortal, I would assume he would have to shapeshift at some point.
During those four years, Fushi wasn’t attacked by the Nokkers; however, all of that is going to change. Rean is having her 16th birthday where she’s set to be introduced to her arranged marriage partner but she likes Gugu instead. She intends to use that party to confess to Gugu so that she wouldn’t have to marry someone that she doesn’t. love. Gugu and Fushi are invited to the party but that ends up being a mistake as a Nokker ends up detecting Fushi there and starts wreaking havoc. This Nokker uses rocks and stones to cover its body, taking on the form of a bear-like creature. This means that it’s very difficult to deal with; however, Gugu finds an opening and breathes fire into the cracks, causing the Nokker to escape but before he does, he ends up taking a part of Fushi with him.
After the outcome of the battle, Fushi decides it’s too dangerous for him to stay there knowing that the Nokker could come back at any time for him. He leaves behind “Booze Man” and the others and sets off on another journey; however, Pioran catches up to him and convinces Fushi to take her with him… despite his protests. Fushi tells Pioran everything about himself and the Nokkers, noting that he needs to get stronger in order to defeat them. Pioran tells him about a forest that nobody visits where he can train but they have to take a boat there. When they get to the docks, they end up on the wrong ship and now it becomes a fight for survival!
So we learned a little bit about Fushi in this volume in the fact that he can age as long as he doesn’t use any of his powers. Fushi also learns about a few aspects of life that are rather unpleasant which is helping him grow as a character. He’s also learned out to speak fluently which makes communication a lot easier; however, when he transforms into bear form, he’s still talking a bit like his former self so it’s cool to see that part of him retained in some form.
Gugu and Rean get a ton of development here. Of course, we know that Rean loves Gugu but Gugu doesn’t truly have a clue about who Rean is. It doesn’t hit him until later than Rean was the girl he saved way back when which caused him to get his face crushed and to wear that mask. I won’t go into too much details but it was a really tender moment when Gugu finally realized who it was. This was all triggered by way of Gugu’s brother who came to see him after all this time. Of course, Gugu could never forgive him for turning his back on him and this is one wound time cannot heal for him. Even though his brother is trying to do everything in his power to make it up to him, Gugu cannot let go of the past and just shuns his brother away… even going as far as to say that Fushi is more of a brother than his own flesh and blood. Ouch!
Oh, and Pioran is still a crazy old woman who takes no BS from anyone. She’s awesome.
Final Thoughts
Another great edition of To Your Eternity although I do have some concerns. Oima is carrying out a theme throughout the series and even though we’re only four volumes in, I’m starting to see how Fushi is going to get stronger and it’s a rather morbid method. It does concern me because it makes things a bit too predictable and lessens the shock value of when it happens. I understand power-up methods come in many forms but this one seems to be sticking to one form and one form only. My fear is that it’s going to get overused throughout the series and, thus, lose its meaning. I really hope that doesn’t happen as situations such as this need to be profound, impactful, and meaningful. I guess the overall method of achieving strength is like a double-edged sword and, by looking at the big picture, it drives home a different kind of emotion but that emotion shouldn’t be dampened for the overall effect.
Still, it looks like we’re starting a new arc which makes me wonder what Fushi will end up doing as he tracks down the Nokker who stole a little bit of him. Seeing how it was stolen and how it affects Fushi makes you wonder what would happen if everything would be stolen from him. Well, the volume does actually tell you what would happen but would it truly end up that way? Would be interesting to see. If it did happen, this “Man in Black’s” mission won’t be complete. That’s still one of the big mysteries of this series and I like how they’re holding back and teasing it. It adds more intrigue to the story that way!
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