With the 2019 Tokyo Game Show underway, just as Hideo Kojima has promised, we now have a little under an hour of Death Stranding gameplay to watch.
The gameplay starts at the 7:28 mark and ends at 55:55, just after our hero is interrupted during a relaxing shower break. During this footage, several things are shown off. From some combat, how the inventory system works and a few other interesting mechanics from the game. Kojima and an assistant also provide commentary during the gameplay, however, unless you understand Japanese then you won’t be able to make out what’s being said.
While I’m glad to see that both Kojima and Sony are proud to pimp out the game wherever they can and in this magnitude. I’ll be honest and say that I still have no idea as to what exactly is going on. Is Sam trying to unite the country, or is he just a reluctant mailman? Or maybe he’s both?
In addition to the gameplay, a new trailer was released that gives a little bit of insight into the story that will unfold throughout the game. Her, we see Sam getting briefed on the status of America, what’s going and what the initial plan is.
Death Stranding releases exclusively (or is it?) for the PlayStation on November 8th, 2019.