Terry Bogard of the Fatal Fury franchise has been announced as the final character for SNK Heroines‘ base roster. Those familiar with Terry will immediately take notice that SNK Heroines has thrown a more feminine spin on the character. Yes, for this upcoming title we’re receiving a slender, female design as opposed to his bulky, masculine look. Makes sense though, seeing how the entire cast consists of females exclusively.
I suppose even our favorite blonde protagonist laying down Power Geysers isn’t exempt from the rule. Take a look at the new “her” in action:
Aside from the gender swap, Terry is still the same ol’ Terry. Move-set still retains the classics like Burn Knuckle, Crack Shoot, and Power Wave. Iconic dialogue quips like my personal favorite “Are you OK?” maintain their lovely delivery. However, I do suppose the cheerleader outfit is a bit of a change though…
SNK Heroines Tag Team Frenzy will be released on September 7, 2018, for both PlayStation 4 and the Nintendo Switch. For more information on this game, you can check out the SNK Heroines official website.