But you already knew this, right?
Denuvo, the gaming industries favorite DRM, has made quite the name of itself. Whether for causing performance issues, crippling games or being defeated more times than it’s been useful, we all love to hate it. Well, get ready to dislike it more as it will be present in Capcom’s Monster Hunter: World for PC.
C’mon gang, let’s not get this all sideways. You knew this was coming, right? The question, however, is why is this even being used? I can see the reasoning behind a game that doesn’t do its own online checks. But Monster Hunter: World is already an online game. You have to sign in to a server to be authenticated and that should be enough. So, why use Denuvo?
That’s a very good question.
Well, to be honest, and this just me, I don’t think the Japanese PC market is aware of the issues that Denuvo presents. Unfortunately, I can’t see how they haven’t been paying attention to complaints of those who purchased a game with Denuvo. There have even been reports of Denuvo-based games being cracked in short order, even on the day of release! Even Capcom has had its fair share of games that shipped with the controversial service, such as Dead Rising 4, Resident Evil 7, and Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite. Resident Evil 7 was cracked in under a week, but Capcom has yet to remove it from the game. Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite had Denuvo removed, however.
Denuvo is plain bad, there’s no way around this. Now, I know the company is just trying to protect their investment. In Denuvo’s case, there’s an argument regarding diminishing returns. It gets cracked so fast that those who download the game benefit. While the paying consumers are the ones treated like crooks and that’s bad. Not to mention if there are any performance issues, we won’t know until it’s too late.
Capcom, I know you’re thinking you’re doing the right thing. As an avid PC gamer and someone who frequents your titles, I don’t think this decision is not worth the money you’re going to be paying for the DRM. The service will more than likely be cracked in short order, so why sink money into something that’s proven unreliable in the past?
Besides, why add Denuvo to a game that requires you to be online in the first place?
Monster Hunter: World releases on August 9, 2018, for PC/Steam. It’s already available now for PS4 and Xbox One. If you own the game on either console, are you double-dipping on the PC version?